Ahmad Sulaiman Kano Mp3
The first revelation of the Holy Quran Assalam oalaikum, As I have mentioned in my earlier posts (What is the Lowhe Mahfoozh and Baitul Ma'moor?) much before the Universe was created by Allah (swt), the entire Quran was preserved in Lowhw-e-Mahfoozh. From this point in the seventh heaven, the Al-Qur’an was transferred to the Lowest Heaven, where Bait-ul-Ma’moor is situated. This descent/Nuzool of the Holy Quran is the initial one.

The entire Qur’an was transferred at one instance of time from the Lowhe-e-Mahfooz to Bait-ul-Ma’moor in the First Heaven. Bmw fsc code generator. This is known as the first descent/ Nuzool of the Al-Quran. Moreover, this process of sending down the entire Qur’an at one instant of time is known as Inzaal.
There are two words that have been mentioned in the Holy Quran, which describe its Nuzool or descent. The first word is Inzaal which implies sending down the entire Quran at one instant of time only. The second word is Tanzeel, which means sending down only a little at a time, over a period of time. Alama Zarqani says that the fisrt descent/ Nuzool of Al-Qur’an from the Lawh-e-Mahfoozh to Bait-ul-Ma’moor took place in order to convey the message that the Al-Qur’an was a well- protected Heavenly Book because it was not just revealed on the blessed Qalb of our Dear Prophet (saw) but was also preserved in the massive Lawh-i-Mahfooz. (Manahil-ul-Irfan, Uloom-ul-Qur’an).
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