Artificial Academy 2 Full Game
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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FAQ • Q: This person comes up to me and asks me to keep their secret, but I've never spoken to them before! Is this a bug? A: That character has the Exploitable. Its only purpose it serves is to remind you that the character is Exploitable. • Q: What does the changing cursor color refer to?
A: The color of the cursor reflect how much time left in that period. Blue mean you got a lot and red mean the period is almost over. • Q: How can I change my player character? A: After sleeping click the class button on the top right and then select the character (marked by PC). Statue location • Q: Where can I find the statue to view that stats? A: Behind the martial arts room.
Refer to the Statue location picture on the right. • Q: Can I get a gameover? If the PC is forced to transfer from any of those events, the game will fade to black and quit to title. • Q: How do I get the girl pregant?
A: Cum inside of her on a dangerous period more than once. See the for more information. • Q: How do I change the club that I'm in? A: You can change you club in the Staff Soom.
See for directions and illustration. • Q: When I go to karaoke, music is not playing and all I got is just a image with characters sitting there for a few seconds. Can anyone help? A: The game didn't come up with karaoke music. You need to download and put.wav or.ogg files in the data/sound/'subfolder'. Put the file(s) in a subfolder that matches the personality you want the file to play for. A karaoke soundtrack set is also included in the.
You can challenge another player to a duel by typing 'duel challenge '. Desolation the frozen terror games. There are currently no time-outs on this, so if your target does not refuse or accept the duel, you will be unable to issue another challenge. -The llapgoch, fullauto and burst abilities as well as explosive charges properly check for PK or duel status.
Configuration Options. All of the options on the System tab have hotkeys to toggle them, shown here and on the Shortcuts tab along with other controls. Many of these are self-explanatory. • Show Shadow - This will only toggle shadow on and off if Shadows were selected in the graphics option from the launcher.
This can be used to switch between finer rendering and better system performance at need. • Show Focus - Display or hide the point the camera will rotate around.
By default, it appears whenever the mouse is used to control the camera. • Automatically Change Camera - If turned off, the camera won't update position when H position changes. The Reset key may function differently depending on where the camera was placed when this option is toggled off.
Starting with update v6, every game patch added new options to the 'additional' page which can change the game behavior. For more details see the Your Bedroom. Here is where you begin and end every school day. You have the following options: • Quit - exits the game, with confirmation dialog • Title - quit to main menu, with confirmation dialog These buttons are present in every phase of the day: • Upper right class book - display classroom, with varying configuration options depending on the time of day • Lower right tile - Advances time to next phase of the day Saving The game doesn't automatically save.
The only known way to save, is to wait for the school day to finish. At bedtime, the Save and Load buttons appear beside the exit buttons, and this is the only time a class state can be saved. Any unsaved progress will be lost on quitting the game. Loading a class will return to your bedroom at night, the same time and day that was last saved.
Your Classroom. This displays a top-down diagram of the class seating arrangement; each box represents an empty desk, or the student who is seated there.
The player character is marked with the icon, and can be changed only in the morning by selecting another student. Buttons that appear beneath the desk arrangement (available only at bedtime): - Customize the uniform, P.E. Outfit, swimming clothes and club outfit for the selected student. You can also set a standard uniform for all students. - Removes the student from the selected desk.
The student will be removed from the class save file and all stats will then be lost. If the transferred character had a good favorability rating towards the PC then it will leave a farewell message - Adds a student to the selected desk from a menu of students in Character Maker data. Transferring in a new character after the first day will have him introduce himself to the class. - Fills all empty desks semi-randomly with students in Character Maker data. Note that it will never add the same student twice, even if there are not enough students in Character Maker data.
It is important to understand that characters created with the Editor only funtion as a template in class creation: any changes made afterwards, both inside the Editor or to class members, has no effect on the other. Completely invisible to the player, the game also assigns a set of AI-behavior to the added classmates in order to prevent two or more characters of the same type acting the same, which would most likely happen when choosing several males, since there are only five types to select from. Teacher positionArtificial Academy 2 has introduced the ability to play as or have an NPC act as a teacher. The teacher is whoever is chosen in the top middle spot of the class. Teachers are never tested on academic or athletic exams, though they may enter the club tournament. Teachers can gain stats in the same way as students by conducting the classes, lessons and club meetings. PC teachers lack the ability to study or exercise independently, but may do so with students one-on-one or in groups.