Chertezhi Ruchnih Valjcov

Joseph (Joe) S. Valacich is the Eller Professor of MIS within the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona, a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems (2009), and is a co-founder, Chairman, and Chief Science Officer (CSO) of Neuro-ID, Inc. His primary research interests include deception detection, human-computer interaction, data visualization, cyber security, and e.
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In 1959, Jakov Dulcich and his wife Antoinette emigrated from Croatia to the New World. After spending a year in Chile, they settled in Delano, California, one of the best regions in the world for growing firm, luscious grapes. They worked in vineyards owned by Jakov’s uncle, saving enough to invest in their own small piece of farmland in 1975.
Ten years later, they were able to devote themselves full-time to tending their very own farm. As the farm grew and prospered, so did Jakov and Antoinette’s family. Their two sons, Peter and Nick, followed in their parents’ footsteps, learning how to grow juicy, delicious grapes almost before they learned their ABC’s. “Our mother and father always told us, ‘Try your hardest. Be the best that you can be.’” Being the best meant not only growing the best grapes, but also creating a memorable brand to help consumers recognize the best in-store. In 1995, the company introduced Pretty Lady, which has become the most popular and best-loved grape brand in supermarkets across North America. Soon, countries all over the world were demanding grapes grown by Dulcich & Sons, and in 1996, the family established Sunlight International Sales to manage grape exports to Taiwan, Thailand, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, New Zealand, Russia, Dubai, India, Mexico and Canada.
Today, brothers Nick and Peter Dulcich continue to expand the farm their parents founded. Peter now leads the growing and operations of 6,000 acres of vineyards and a multimillion-dollar, state-of-the-art storage and distribution center, while Nick manages Sunlight’s sales and marketing division to ensure consumers worldwide can enjoy Pretty Lady grapes fresh from the farm. In 50 years, this small family vineyard has transformed into a premier international brand—but some things haven’t changed. The same desire to “be the best that we can be” still drives the company to work harder, think bigger, and embrace innovation to ensure Pretty Lady grapes are the preferred choice of consumers and retailers worldwide.