Contoh Soal Tap Universitas Terbuka
Read the case of teaching learning process, and then answer the questions that follow! The bell rings, and all students and Mr.
Contoh Soal Ujian UT TAP Manajemen EKMA4500 Tugas Akhir Program lengkap dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan soalnya kami bagikan untuk Anda Mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka Non Pendas FEKON (Fakultas Ekonomi) yang sekarang ini sedang menempuh pendidikan pada semester 7.
Indra, the English teacher at SMP, enter the classroom. The teacher greets the students in English, and calls roll. He asks the students if there is any homework, and the students answer in chorus: “yes.” Mr.
Indra reviews the homework of yesterday on countable and uncountable nouns. The teacher calls on several students to write down the sentences on the blackboard. After the students have finished writing the sentences, Mr.
Indra commends and gives feedback to students. After discussing the homework, Mr. Indra explains that in today’s lesson students will continue their study of nouns. They will learn how to distinguish between proper and common nouns and they will learn how to change from one noun type to the other. He tells the students, “Knowing the difference is important because you must always capitalize proper nouns.
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Being able to change from one to the other will help you recognize which is which. ”He then explains proper nouns, reads the definition, and says, “The key word in this is. Indra then illustrates proper and common nouns and presents numerous examples to students, asking them to make the correct classification. He also states, “On your notebooks on the parts of speech page, let’s copy these definitions for common noun and proper noun”. Indra gives instructions, “Underline the word that is being defined in your notebooks so that you can find it easily.” The teacher goes around the room checking as the class works on copying the definitions. Next, students are directed to get out paper, draw a line down the middle, and copy the proper and the common nouns into the columns from an exercise in the textbook. Students work on the assignment as the teacher circulates and checks progress.
After several minutes, Mr. Indra stops the class and goes through the first part of the list, asking students how they classified each noun. He then summarizes what they have done to this point and says, “Let’s turn the page.” Mr.
Indra then describes how proper nouns can be converted to common nouns, and vice versa. He provides several examples and converts them. He then presents more examples and solicits students’ response and analysis.

Indra then gives each row a different sentence to work on, and he calls on different students to read their sentences with the nouns converted. When the students read the sentences, the teacher repeats the answer to the class and comments on the sentence. Students are then given a homework assignment to be started in class providing further practice distinguishing proper and common nouns and transforming one to the other. Indra monitors students during the remainder of the period, and provides assistance as needed. 1.What are the problems you analyze from the teaching learning process held by Mr. 2.What skills of language does Mr. Indra try to develop?
Explain your answer by referring to the case. 3.D o you thi nk tha t the exe rc ise s giv en in the cla ss on lan gua ge com pon ent s wil l im pro ve the stu den ts’ com mun ica tiv e competence? Explain your answer by referring to the case. 4.If you were Mr. Indra, you would have a different teaching learning activity. Write your own teaching learning activity to improve Mr. Please do not forget to refer to the description of the case.