Grasslin Uni 45 Manual Transfer
Anonymous • SOURCE: Digi 20E-120 is 16Amp 120Volt flush mount digital timer with 20 or 140 programs per week. Grasslin Digi (digi tal/ digital) can be reset using reset button. Reset might restore functionality, but will delete all programming. Check that circuit is delivering 120Volt and that circuit is clean without interference. Also check electrical terminals fit tight on the timer. Use needle nose pliers and pull terminals off and then push back. The digi series has 5-day program back-up capacitor so programs should remain, but capacitors go bad.
Power surge can blow out timers. Use surge protection on all circuits.
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Jan 12, 2018 - Analogue Time Switches Grasslin Analogue Time Switches Digital Time Switches Grasslin Digital Time Switches Uni 45 Series Time Switches. For example, to set a 45-minute defrost, slide the two trippers adjacent to the starting time. F NOTE: The AM and PM locations on the wheel represent 6 LAM and 6 PM. Repeat steps 1 through 3 as necessary to configure multiple defrost times for a given day.
There are a many Digi timers from years of manufacture by GE and now Intermatic, since Intermatic bought Grasslin from GE. The digi can be replaced with simple-to--program FM1D digital timer. Replacement crossover is FM1D20E-120 Open following link for FM1D manual and Digi manual Upvote the help. And take advantage of fixya expert assistance live.

For a price, expert works with you while you work on timer or any do-it-yourself project. Fixya is always less expensive than a service call.