Hp Colorado T3000 Drivers
This page contains drivers for T1000 T3000 manufactured by Colorado (HP)™. Please note we are carefully scanning all the content on our website for viruses and trojans. This and other Other drivers we're hosting are 100% safe.
I have this HP c4446a Colorada tapedrive. It takes 20G Travans, so it could be useful. Only problem is that it have a folppy interface. This is not listed on any searches I've made. Apparently you connect the drive to the floppy interface, but what do you set the BIOS up as??? I've tried all from 320kb to 2.88Mb, on both channels A & B.
Even disabled it. I've heard that I may try 'Other' but only PCs Pentium 2 (?) and older have that setting. I've got an AMD Epox 8RDA. Any comments and help will be appreciated. I checked the HP website, nothing about a floppy version of your tape drive. However, there is a parallel (external) version - maybe someone took the drive out of its case, installed it internally and hooked it up with an internal LPT port? I searched the HP web site for a tape drive with a floppy interface (T3000) and found a couple of troubleshooting tips concerning floppy controllers, did you see those?
I think that in order to work properly the BIOS should be set at no device. Not disabled: the whole floppy controller would be disabled, but also not any type of floppy drive. Ezdrummer authorization code keygen generator exe. I believe the floppy interface doesn't support PNP, so the drive attached to the interface doesn't trigger the new hardware wizard.
Just start the HP Colorado Tape Drive setup program: it should find the drive (maybe you'll have to tell it the drive is at the floppy controller). Try removing the floppy disk drive - it may conflict. Try -if possible- both positions on the FDD cable. Check the LEDs on the drive; do they light, blink, what color? Shabloni pozdraviteljnih otkritok word. Do you get any errors?