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A Good Product Goes Your Way EAT has specialized in developing software solutions for CAD/CAM systems in the areas of Weaving and Warp Knitting. Managing Director and Textile Designer Klaus P. Lepka describes the whole product-philosophy of the EAT team: 'We don't want to do everything.
But what we do, we will do right!' That is also one of the reasons why EAT is a succesful and financially independent private enterprise, that has existed this way for more than 20 years now. But we at EAT also regard this as a reliable and necessary base for staying future-oriented and continuous with regard to the development of our software products. As early as 1983 textile engineer Klaus P. Lepka and his partner had developed systems to simplify certain working steps in the textile industry. In the beginning, that mainly meant: Substitute manual point paper design in the jacquard industry by half-automatic working steps on a computer. The way led from 'Patroscop' via 3 generations of 'DesignScope' to 'DesignScope victor'.
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For many years now, DesignScope victor systems have been among the world market leaders for electronic textile design. At ITMA 1999 in Paris EAT presented the prototype of a new spectacular CAD/CAM system: DesignScope victor was born.
And EAT compiled more than 20 years of experience with all technical and creative aspects of textile design into this must-have system. The most modern software with the experience of the perfect craftsmen. Today DesignScope victor defines the reality in state-of-the-art textile CAD/CAM for weaving and warp knitting, adopted and followed by many players in the market. Only because we constantly communicate with our customers, follow the machine development in the market and, moreover, are ready to leave the beaten track, EAT has become what it is today. 'The DesignScope Company' - Software ideas put into reality - By textile designers for textile designers DesignScope EAT Designscope Victor v3.0.3 ( Raschel) EAT Designscope Victor v3.0.4 all module.