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The Sony Playstation. There are so many things we can say about it but most of you know about it so let's just go to the specs & emulators. Specs: • Analog Joystick • Controller • Memory Card • Link Cable • Mouse with Pad • RFU Adaptor • Multitap Unit • R3000A • 32 bit RISC processor • Clock- 33.8688MHz • Operating performance - 30 MIPS • Instruction Cache - 4 KB • Data Cache - 1 KB • BUS - 132 MB/sec. • Data Transfer Rate (DMA TO RAM) 150 KB/sec. (Normal) 300 KB/sec. Windows free Rating: (995 Votes) Windows Open-Source Rating: (389 Votes) Multi-system emulator designed for Tool-Assisted Speedruns (TAS) Windows, Mac, Linux, Android Freeware Rating: (1338 Votes) The best free playstation emulator Windows Free Rating: (529 Votes) Multi-platform Open-Source Rating: (167 Votes) Frontend for the Libretro API, effectively a multi-system emulator Windows Freeware Rating: (32 Votes) Multi-system emulator Windows Demo Rating: (28 Votes) The first commercial emulator ever! Windows Free Rating: (38 Votes) Windows Freeware Rating: (40 Votes) Playstation emulator.
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