Indian Penal Code 1860 In Marathi Free Download Pdf5567643
Bombay Police Act 1951(Maharashtra Police Act 1951),मुबंई पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१(महाराष्ट्र पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१) Bombay Police Act 1951 Section: 2(3) Bombay Police Act 1951 Section: 2(5A) Bombay Police Act 1951 Section: 2(9)Bombay Police Act 1951 Section: 2(10),Bombay Police Act 1951 Section: 2(11),Bombay Police Act 1951 Section: 2(13) Useful for Department Police Sub Inspector(PSI) Competitive Exam, and all competitive Exams useful Law knowledge with audio. मुबंई पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(३) मुबंई पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(५क) मुबंई पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(९) मुबंई पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(१०) मुबंई पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(११) मुबंई पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(१३) महाराष्ट्र पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(३),महाराष्ट्र पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(५क),महाराष्ट्र पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(९),महाराष्ट्र पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(१०) महाराष्ट्र पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(११) महाराष्ट्र पोलिस अधिनियम १९५१ कलम:२(१३) पोलिस उपनिरिक्षक मर्यादित विभागीय स्पर्धा परिक्षेसाठी उपयुक्त तसेच सर्व स्पर्धा परिक्षे. Bombay Prevention of Gambling Act 1887 in Marathi Section: 3 मुंबई जुगार प्रतिबंध अधिनियम १८८७ in this video Prevention of Gambling Act 1887 Section 3: Part of 17 Minor Act This is useful for all competitive exam, Laws student and Departmental PSI Competitive Exam.
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Indian Penal Code (IPC, Hindi: भारतीय दण्ड संहिता) is the main. It was drafted in 1860.
In the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the IPC is known as Ranbir Penal Code (RPC). After independence, Indian Penal Code was inherited by Pakistan (now called Pakistan Penal Code) and Bangladesh, formerly part of British India. It was also adopted wholesale by the British colonial authorities in Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, and remains the basis of the criminal codes in those countries ~ Wikipedia.
Here you can download IPC 1860 pdf version. This file has been sourced from internet, you may verify with other sources. You can buy IPC 1860 in Hindi ( Bhartiya Dand Sanhita, 1860 ) book from. You can transfer it to your phone,kindle, tablet or any other pdf supporting gadget for reading with ease, whenever you want without being online. 949 KB pdf file, Adobe Reader required.