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Imagine you are on a train, heading towards your destination. You look to your right and see a fellow passenger. Attempting to be friendly, you kindly ask him where he is heading. He shrugs his shoulders and says, “I don’t know.” You do a double take, and ask again.
He repeats, “I’m just riding the train. I don’t know where I’m going.” At this point, you begin to wonder if this guy is out of his mind. Who goes on a train without a destination in mind?
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However, if you go over to your average person on the street and ask them the same question, “Where are going in life? What’s your ultimate destination?”, they will probably give you a similar answer.
They’ll shrug and say “I don’t know”. However, if the absence of a defined destination for something as simple as a train ride is so clearly absurd, how can we fail to treat life the same way? Life, the most important journey we will ever take, must surely require a clearly defined and meaningful destination. This week’s parsha, Vayakhel, opens with the command to keep Shabbos. Since Shabbos takes up one seventh of our entire lives, let us try to gain a deeper understanding of this unique and beautiful day. • Shabbos as Fundamental It is striking to consider how fundamental Shabbos is in Jewish thought.
Shabbos is included amongst the Aseres Hadibros, the Ten Commandments, which are viewed not only as uniquely important, but, as Rashi explains, the root categories that contain all the other mitzvos. (Rav Saadyah Gaon describes at length how every mitzva falls under one of these ten categories.) Furthermore, the punishment for desecrating Shabbos is not just death, but skilah, stoning. According to most opinions, this is the most severe of the four death penalties.
To compound the point, when we consider whether or not someone is an observant Jew, we usually ask whether he or she is “Shomer Shabbas,” Sabbath observant. Why is this the defining feature of religious observance? What makes Shabbos a root mitzvah, why is its punishment so severe, and why do we see it as the measuring stick for all of Torah observance?
What is the secret of Shabbos? • Theme of the Day?
Usually, when we have a specific time of kedushah, a holy point in time, there is a unique positive act that we associate with it. On Rosh Hashana we blow shofar, on Sukkos we sit in the sukkah and shake the lulav, on Chanukah we light the menorah, on Purim we read the megillah, on Pesach we have the seder, and on Shavuos we learn Torah. Onimusha 4 pc game setup download torrent full. On Shabbos though, we tend to think less about what we are meant to be doing, and more about what we are not allowed to do. The issur melacha, the prohibition against creative actions on Shabbos, seems to dominate our focus.
We can easily fall into the trap of associating Shabbos with only restrictions, with an unfortunately negative connotation. These prohibitions can seem to take over the day, leaving us feeling restricted, limited, or even trapped.
• A Taste of Olam Habah? In a very enigmatic and cryptic manor, the gemara in Brachos 57a compares shabbos to Olam Habah- the world to come.
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The exact terminology is “mei’ein olam habah”, shabbos is a taste of the world to come. Once again, we are left to wonder, what is the deeper meaning of shabbos? In order to answer all of our questions we need to first understand the difference between Olam Hazeh- this world- and Olam Habah- the world to come. • This World and the Next Olam Hazeh- the world we live in- is the place of process. In this world you get to choose who you will become.
Every single day presents you a new opportunity to become even greater than you were the day before. This world is therefore the place of movement and becoming, where we progress down our personal path of change and growth. Olam Habah-the world to come- in contrast, is the place of being, where you experience everything you have built in this life. No longer can we move or become, no longer can we build. Rather, we experience a static world, lacking both movement and process, where we enjoy everything we created during our lives in this world.